Decluttering is the process of creating room in our homes to what is essential. We have an 80/20 rule that governs us so that we use only 20% of our items while the other 80 percent fills up our spaces. The messier your surroundings, the more you’re prone to stress and anxiety. Psychology links dirty surroundings with negative energy that clogs the mind.
If you have not decluttered for a long time, the work ahead can leave you overwhelmed. Decluttering like any other mind-boggling task needs a clear guideline. If you start without a plan, you’ll accomplish very little or nothing at all. A declutter checklist helps to make the decisions easy on what to keep, throw, sell or give away.
Getting rid of unwanted items is a continuous process. If you did it last year, you’d need to repeat it this year. The following checklist will ease the burden for you by breaking down the huge home decluttering process into manageable bits.
An Easy To Follow Checklist on Home-Decluttering
1. Set Your Goals
Aim to make the decluttering process fun by setting available dates and times to complete each space. List down the rooms that are in most disarray and give them grades. A grading of 1 to 3, where three is most messy will provide you with an idea of how much time you need to allocate for that particular space.
With your list ready, start the timed challenge with a less cluttered area, one room at a time. Move on to the next phase only after you finish with an area, a room, or space. The sense of accomplishment is enough to motivate you with the rest of the house.
2. Create a Sort System
If your home is like most, you have items you don’t use anymore but still keep because of their sentimental value. You may also have outdated and dysfunctional pieces as well as tattered and utterly useless stuff. A sorting system helps you to correctly categorize each item and place it in either a “Keep Box,” “Donate/Sell Box,” or “Throw Away Box.”
Avoid the temptation of taking back the items. There’s a good reason why you put them in the specific boxes in the first place.
3. Get Rid Of Clutter
After sorting your mess, place everything where it’s meant to be. Throw away the trash, give away the donations or open a garage sale. The sooner you make it happen, the sooner you’ll feel lighter again. You can proceed and enjoy your spacious home.
When it comes to keeping your home clutter-free and organized, less is more. Clutter is a time waster; you’ll have to go through the mess before you find what you need. Further, it makes you brain-tired when it comes to decisions.
If you have just the items you need in your home you’ll feel refreshed, stress-free and with ample time on your hands. Start your journey today and clear your mess one area at a time.